Japanese Cities Make AskMen Top 29 Cities to Live In

WHAT CITY WAS  SELECTED AS 2010’S BEST PLACE FOR MEN TO LIVE? AskMen reveals its global ranking of the most livable cities for men! [Via the AskMen Press Release] "Los Angeles, Calif. (April 19, 2010) --- AskMen, the world’s No. 1 lifestyle site for men, today unveiled its second annual Top 29 Cities To Live In, with New York topping the global list as 2010’s most livable city for guys.  Based upon a variety of international sources and insider experience from AskMen contributors from around the world, the Top 29 provides a current snapshot of the best cities for men, with New York, Melbourne and Tokyo rounding out the top three. [Zurui's Note: You will be surprised to find another Japanese locale made the list!]“With the Top 29 Cities, we’ve been able to identify the specific qualities that make a city truly great for men,” comments James Bassil, Editor-in-Chief of AskMen. “Opportunities for professional challenge, a strong sports team to rally around and places to meet single, educated women easily are all factors that the everyday guy appreciates, and played a part in our global ranking.”To see the complete Top 29 Cities To Live In 2010, please visit www.askmen.com or click here for more information!Further coverage of the Top 29 will also be available on AskMen’s  Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter pages."Click here to see how Tokyo fared last year! Be sure to leave your feedback here and on AskMen.com![ad]

About AskMenAskMen, a unit of News Corp. Digital Media, is the world's leading men's lifestyle web site. An online resource for men with daily features on subjects such as fashion, fitness, dating, money, and entertainment, AskMen  has the widest online audience reach in the "Men's Lifestyle" category in comparison with all other websites, attracting  12 million unique visits from the U.S. per month, and 14 million monthly visitors globally, according to Omniture. A foremost content provider with an archive of more than 60,000 articles available for free online, AskMen updates daily and publishes over 300 new features a month. AskMen has content partnerships with the likes of Yahoo!, Cosmopolitan.com, Sports Illustrated.com and more.

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