Over 30% of Japanese homeless mentally disabled

(Via Kyodo) — "More than 30 percent of homeless people in Tokyo are suspected to be mentally disabled and may have difficulty in claiming social assistance by themselves, a study recently compiled by a group of psychologists and psychiatrists revealed.The group, led by Suimei Morikawa, 36, a doctor at the Kurihama Alcoholism Center in Kanagawa Prefecture, urges administrative bodies to give consideration to their situation in providing assistance.Members of the group conducted intelligence tests on some 170 homeless men around a station in central Tokyo on Dec. 29 and 30 and found 56 out of 164 people who gave valid answers, or 34 percent, had an intelligence quotient of below 70.IQ 70 to 75 is a level at which municipal governments usually certify someone as in need of assistance and protection.Noting the high percentage, 17 times more than the roughly 2 percent found in society as a whole, Morikawa said such people may be forced to remain homeless as they have problems communicating with others, but added some of them could support themselves if they are given proper assistance and job training.The group's findings will be reported at a symposium of the government's suicide prevention center on Wednesday in Tokyo."Click here for more BT articles on the homeless in Japan.[ad#468x60-ad]

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