Vintage Japanese air raid defense posters


A very good post for students of Japanese, especially military linguists learning Japanese, that shows vintage posters with information on Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) agents and recommended treatments in case one is exposed to NBC weapons. This information will be useful for those in the medical or military profession. I am sure that the most military personnel (to be sure all of the Marines and Soldiers) would have received this information during training. I still remember the my NBC training and the taste and smell of good ol' CS gas. Yikes!

Pink Tentacle writes: "In 1938, the Japanese Red Cross worked with government authorities to create a series of posters to teach the public about the new Anti-Aircraft Defense Law, which was enacted in seeming anticipation of air strikes following the outbreak of the Japan-China War (1937-1945). Among other things, the new law required citizens to take protective measures against gas attacks and prepare for disinfection, evacuation and relief. For the government, one purpose of the posters — which were created as part of a military exhibition at the Red Cross Museum — was to instill a pattern of “anti-aircraft defense thought” among the population."Click here to see the posters. Be sure to follow @PinkTentacle on Twitter! Arigato to Tune in Tokyo for the heads up!

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