Good news! Younger farmers blogging their way to success


I enjoyed reading this story on young farmers. I used to grow my own veggies when I lived in Detroit and most recently on my balcony at my current location. For the past two-weeks, I have been eyeing property an hour away that sits on 10 acres of land. It's priced right, large enough to grow a variety of vegetables and fruits, start a mini-winery (I have wanted to make my own wine since living in wine country) and far enough to get away from the hustle and bustle of work. That is, if I learn not to take my work home with me. The problem is that I hate driving and traffic but after looking at the picture above, something is making me want to live outside the city not only to escape "the city" but to grow premium fruits and vegetables, write books, blog, create videos and drinks lots and lots of wine with friends.

Natsuko Fukue writes: "Hard work, low pay and a gloomy future. That's the image many young people have had about farming. Figures back this point. In the next 10 years, the majority of farmers in Japan will be 70 or older according to an Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry survey, mainly because the younger generation doesn't want to take over the family business, many young farmers said.But a growing number of young, savvy farmers are trying to make the industry more attractive and profitable through the Internet — a modern contraption through which they hope to paint a rosier picture of agriculture.Shinichi Soga of Niigata Prefecture may be one of the most successful farmers so far. His tomatoes are selling like hot cakes thanks partly to his popular Web log, which he started in 2006." Click here to read more of the Japan Times article. Photo: Shinichi Soga

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.

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