Sony's costly mistake
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Sony's costly mistake

Sony will provide network account holders with information on obtaining free identity theft protection. Furthermore, Sony will offer free content in an attempt to keep many dissatisfied customers from jumping ship. profile data, purchase history and security answers were compromised as well, which in the wrong hands can obviously be used for further fraudulent activity because many people use the same passwords and challenge questions for all of their accounts.

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Foreign CEOs make it big in Japan.

Known as Oyatoi Gaikokujin (hired foreigners), these outside adviser were well compensated for consulting on matters of engineering, architecture, medical and legal affairs. Breaking with Japanese business tradition Ghosn began to slash thousands of jobs and sold off assets, which made him not so popular in the public’s eye. Relatively low salaries offered by many companies in Japan. In addition, foreigners in Japan should not expect much in compensation when it comes to your educational background and experience.

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