Revising the Japanese Constitution


article 9 japan[Via Takuya Uchida on The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Facebook page] "A website translating the new draft of the Japanese constitution into English which the Liberal Democratic Party (the party which PM Abe Shinzo belongs to) wrote/proposed. It's beyond the scope of imagination that a political party in a modern liberal democratic nation could come up with such a malicious revision. The worst point of the revision worth noting is that it significantly restricts basic human rights."japan peace

In April 2012, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan proposed a constitutional amendment.We, The Young Lawyer's Association for The Future of Freedom, would like to draw attention to the risky implications of the LDP's proposal and call for a discussion with the public.The amendment of the Japanese constitution will no doubt have a tremendous impact, not only on people living in Japan, but also on East Asian counties and on global peace.Thus, we have translated the proposal into English, focusing on significant changes. We hope that you will read and take interest, so that we can discuss this matter with you and people across the globe.現在、日本の政権与党である自由民主党は、2012年4月、日本国憲法改正草案を発表しました。私たち「明日の自由を守る若手弁護士の会」は、この草案の危険性を広く知らせ、憲法改正についてよく議論することを呼びかけている若手弁護士のグループです。日本の憲法がどのように改正されるかは、日本に住む人々にとって重大な影響を持つことであるのはもちろんですが、東アジア、ひいては世界の平和にも重要な関連を持ちます。そこで、草案のなかでも特に重要な改正部分につき、英語版を作成しました。ぜひお読みいただき、世界の皆さんと一緒に議論していきたいと思います。

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