Nicola Furlong Update: James Blackston Rearrested

According to the latest reports, the former-AI back-up dancer James Blackston was rearrested for allegedly getting a foreign woman in her early 20's drunk on tequila and inappropriately touching her body while at a hotel in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture on April 21, 2012 at 3:20 a.m..ANN Video Report on James Blackston 03 Jul 12 Mr. Blackston was rearrested under the previous charge of quasi forcible indecency on July 3, 2012. Police reportedly found pictures of several women in Blackston's personal belongings (unknown if this is in reference to photos on his phone or photos of women at the concert, fans or dance students shown on his twitter account). The police also stated and that Blackston "FORCED" the foreign woman drink alcohol. Hmmm?! Blackston denies the current charge levied against him and states that the police are wrong.

外国人女性酔わせて体触る 米国籍ダンサー再逮捕「間違っている

2012.7.3 13:05
"東京都新宿区のホテルで5月、アイルランド人留学生のニコラ・ファーロングさん(21)が殺害された事件に絡み、警視庁組織犯罪対策2課は3日、別の外国人女性を酔わせてわいせつな行為をしたとして、準強制わいせつの疑いで、米国籍のダンサー、ジェイムス・ジャマリ・ブラックストン被告(23)=別の準強制わいせつ罪で起訴=を再逮捕した。同課によると、「間違っている」と容疑を否認している。ブラックストン容疑者は、ファーロングさんを殺害したとして殺人容疑で逮捕された米国籍の少年と殺害の直前まで行動を共にしていた。逮捕容疑は、4月21日午前3時20分ごろ、甲府市内のホテルで、20代前半の外国人女性に酒を飲ませて酔わせ、体を触るなどのわいせつな行為をしたとしている。" SOURCE
Looking at another MAJOR item of interest, the results of the Nicola Furlong toxicology report have yet to be released as promised by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. The delay of the report leads some to speculate whether the test results indicate something other than what the police expected. If so, this throws a wrench into the assumption that Mr. Blackston and the 19-year-old found with Ms. Furlong spiked the women's drinks with a date rape drug. One thing is for sure, this investigation leaves a lot more questions than answers!It should be noted that Mr. Blackston, who is accused of groping Ms. Furlong's friend during a taxi ride to Keio Plaza Hotel,  and the 19-year-old found in the room with Ms. Furlong have not been charged with murder. The men have been arrested and charged with quasi forcible indecency. BT currently has no additional information on the 19-year-old American currently under arrest.
Article 178, Quasi Forcible Indecency; Quasi Rape:(1) A person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female by taking advantage of loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same manner as prescribed for in Article 176 (see below).(2) A person who commits sexual intercourse with a female by taking advantage of a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same matter as prescribed in the preceding Article.

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The following BT’ers contributed to the Nicola Furlong investigation: @blacktokyo, @onmugen @starrwulfe @ogPegasus303Have inquiries? Feel free to contact “” regarding the Nicola Furlong case.

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