Does another earthquake near Fukushima spell the end of Tokyo?


Here is a video clip from a live TV Asahi morning news and information program that aired on March 8, 2012 in Japan called "Morning Bird." The TV Asahi reporter is Mr. Toru Tamakawa and the expert is Dr. Hiroaki Koide, Research Associate at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University. Dr. Koide believes that if another earthquake or strong aftershock causes a leak in the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant's Unit 4 spent fuel rod pool, it could signal the end of the surrounding area and even Tokyo.As reported by Energy News:

"Most discussion of the No. 4 spent fuel pool has focused on an earthquake causing the pool to collapse. This video is different because it reveals:
  1. A crack, rather than the collapse of the pool itself, can be the end of Tokyo
  2. The quake that could put a crack in the pool and be the end of Tokyo does not have to be a large one
  3. The sense of shock when people in Japan are made aware of this information for the first time"

Why the sense of alarm? Via the "Solid Earth," a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU):

"There were 20 times more quakes in 6 months after 3/11 than in previous 9 years!From March 11 to October 27 last year, the carpet of sensors around Iwaki recorded an astonishing 24,108 shocks measuring at least 1.5 magnitude, 23 of them notching up a powerful 5.0 or more.By comparison, from June 3 2002 to March 11 2011, there was only 1,215 such events."

A shout out to YouTube's Tokyobrowntabby for the hard work! Please feel free to leave your comments.[ad}Original Japanese Text:


Source: Please click on "cc" button at the bottom right of the YouTube window to show the English subtitles.[video][ad]

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