Just for Fun: Japanese Politics - The Truth Hurts!

"I despise each and every one of you!" Not really but that is what one candidate professes. I figure with all of the seriousness (or lack of) in politics, here is a guy that never claimed to be a witch, is not a tea party member (although he probably likes tea) and will most-likely never be elected to any political office. I guess it pays to be honest![youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOuumGX-6uc&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/youtube]If that does not garner your vote, maybe Yuya Uchida's slogan “if you’re gonna refrain then at least put a vote in for rock’n'roll” does. Enjoy! By the way, Uchida got 54,000 votes in the Tokyo Governor's election.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fa_g_qsndY[/youtube]Arigato to Y. Koizumi (FB-tomo) for reminding me of how "interesting" politics in Japan can be!

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


The Englishization of Corporate Japan


APEC Security Measures in Yokohama, Japan