Business Japanese Proficiency Test Fails to Pass

[Via the Mainichi] Japanese-language proficiency test geared toward non-Japanese who are searching for employment in Japan or with Japanese companies overseas will be discontinued at the end of the current fiscal year, it has been learned.

The Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT) -- established in 1996 by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and administered by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation (JKATF) -- has been used as a criteria in reviewing applications for residency in Japan by non-Japanese. As such, its discontinuation is likely to affect foreigners who have been preparing for it.Although an announcement about the discontinuation of the test has been posted on the JKATF website since Aug. 2, Japanese language school officials say that many potential test takers are not yet aware of the recent developments. The next test in November will take place as scheduled. Click here for the full story.[ad]

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