UNIQLOCK Continues

Just what is UNIQLOCK?

It's a fusion of dance video routines, time signal music and clock utility.The video sequence and the clock display intervenes one another every 5 seconds,while the time signal music seamlessly connects the two.The infinite video sequence appears randomly and endlessly.Viewers are eager to see what happens next.The clock intervals also give the full-screen videos time to re-load.It's an artistic expression that serves utility as well as technical necessity.It’s a 24/7 presentation of UNIQLO clothing.In summer, dancers dress in DRY POLO SHIRTS.In fall, they chage into CASHMERE SWEATERS.At midnight, UNIQLOCK goes to sleep mode.Every hour, there is a special sequence.It even has an alarm funtion.They can use the mini-version of UNIQLOCK on their own blog.The website maps out all the users on the world map,visualizing the world’s UNIQLOCK experience.UNIQLO CLOCK, UNIQUE CLOCK, UNITED CLOCK...In short, UNIQLOCK(via http://www.projector.jp/awards/uniqlock/everlasting/)

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Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


The Hafu Project August 2010 Events


A Crackdown on the Yakuza?