MCAS Futenma to Relocate to Nago?

The Japan Times reports:

A draft obtained Tuesday of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's plan for the Futenma air base specifies the Henoko district in Nago,Okinawa Prefecture, as the relocation site — in line with the existing deal signed by Tokyo and Washington fours years ago.

The draft states that the government will construct a 1,600- to 1,800-meter runway around "Henoko in the city of Nago where the coast of (the U.S. Marines') Camp Schwab is located" and that experts from both Japan and the U.S. should study the technical feasibility of construction methods for the runway, including pile supports.

The Hatoyama government is aiming to present the plan at bilateral working-level talks Wednesday in Washington.

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Black Tokyo

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