New Child Allowance Benefits for Single Fathers

Japan put forth a bill intended to expand the scope of child allowance beneficiaries to cover not only low-income fatherless families but father-only ones as well, officials said.The allowances would range from 9,850 yen to 41,720 yen per child a month, depending on the level of the beneficiary’s income.This allowance is a welcome boost to many family savings accounts ( Raising a family anywhere in the world can be difficult and costly, but Japan is considered one of the most expensive countries on the planet. This means that government help is even more needed and appreciated.Once the basic needs are met-- food, a home, schooling, clothes a family can feel happier and more secure. Working parents should not need to find second and third jobs in order to make ends meet. It is important that parents have time to see their children too.This allowance for low-income single-parent families is separate from the child-rearing allowance which Hatoyama’s government plans to start providing to child-rearing families in fiscal 2010, which began April 1.Click here for more.[ad#468x60-ad]

Black Tokyo

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