7-11 to provide new resident, seal certificate service


Well, the convenience store just became more convenient! I am glad to see this service start. It will save a few trips to the ward office.

[Mainichi Shimbun] "Seven-Eleven Japan Co. started a new service to issue resident and seal registration certificates at its convenience stores on Tuesday, allowing citizens to pick up documents outside regular business hours and away from their local government office.It is the first time for the nation's convenience store chain operators to provide administrative services. The certificates are issued using a copy machine with a communication function, which has already been introduced to seven Seven-Eleven stores in Shibuya Ward and at Mitaka in Tokyo, and Ichikawa in Chiba Prefecture.Prior to full-scale implementation, the service will be trialed in these three areas. Those who want to receive the documents at convenience stores are required to present their Basic Resident Register cards.The service is scheduled to be expanded to 5,900 outlets in the metropolitan area in March, and to about 12,600 stores nationwide in May. The company hopes to further expand coverage in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications." Photo: 窪田淳撮影[ad#468x60-ad]

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