Japanese from the 70's and 80's

I really enjoyed the post by What Japan Thinks on "Dead words from the 70s and 80s in Japan." Here is a blurb from the post:

On the 19th of November 2009 1,166 members of the goo Research monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 59.9% of the sample were female, 13.4% in their teens, 20.6% in their twenties, 28.2% in their thirties, 23.2% in their forties, 8.3% in their fifties, and 6.3% aged sixty or older.This survey will be of most interest to students of the Japanese language, although I hope others can also enjoy it.

Surprisingly, クリスマスケーキ(の女)Christmas Cake (woman) or a  woman past her marriage sell-by date, nominally 25, ranked 15. Click here to see the list.[ad#468x60-ad]

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


Major Blow to USMC Move from Okinawa?


Black History Month Tokyo 2010 (BHMT 2010)