Separate-surnames bill to Diet next year

"Justice Minister Keiko Chiba has decided to submit a bill to an ordinary Diet session to be convened in January to revise the Civil Code so that married couples can choose whether to have the same family name or keep their own names, sources close to the matter said Saturday.

The envisioned bill is also likely to amend the current provision under the Civil Code prohibiting women from remarrying within six months of a divorce, the sources said.

Chiba has already conveyed her intention to the prime minister's office and begun discussing with other Cabinet members concerned, the sources said.

The government and the ruling parties are expected to start coordinating on the issue from the beginning of next year.

According to the sources, Chiba hopes to have the Cabinet give approval for the amendment around March following consent from the Justice Ministry.

Under the planned amendment, the family name of any children of married couples who opt to have separate surnames will likely to be unified with that of either of the parents, the sources said.

As for the provision barring remarriage by women, the bill is expected to set around 100 days as the period prohibiting women from remarrying instead of the current six months, they added.

The ruling Democratic Party of Japan, to which Chiba belongs, repeatedly submitted to the Diet when it was in opposition an amendment bill to allow for separate surnames for married couples, but it was scrapped each time." [Via Kyodo]

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