Possible 3-year prison term for parental kidnapping, Part 2


Hello BT'ers! Debito has posted a story that provides a great follow-up and answers my question to my previous story on the Chinese man arrested for parental kidnapping:

Japanese prosecutors are seeking a three-year prison term for a Chinese man accused of parental kidnapping and keeping his two daughters in China for about 10 years. Does this case reinforce that the Japanese parent wields the power in custody disputes?

Debito writes:

The first article is what happens when the shoe’s on the other foot, and the NJ parent goes on trial for allegedly abducting his or her child from Japan — the Japanese authorities eventually convict the NJ.The second article is from the Mainichi highly critical of the Japanese consulate in Shanghai for renewing the daughters’ J passports without consent of the J mother overseas.The third article (following the original Japanese versions of the first two) is how Minister Okada of the Foreign Ministry is setting up a special task force on this issue.

Click here for the rest of the story.[ad#468x60-ad]

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


Three teens at Yokota AB cleared of attempted murder


December 2009 ACS Newsletter!