African and Mideast bazaar in Tokyo

Photo courtesy of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Tokyo.
From Left to Right: Mrs. Nadia Khoj, Wife of Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Japan and Mrs. Chikako Aso, Wife of Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Sudi booth (November 21, 2005) Photo courtesy of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Tokyo.
A recent event (Oct. 27, 2009) in the Nihonbashi district of Tokyo provided many visitors with the opportunity to enjoy African and Middle Eastern art, culture as well as food. The event put on by "Nihon Chukinto Africa Fujinkai" (Japanese Ladies' Friendship Association for Africa and Middle East) featured participants from 28 African and Middle Eastern embassies as well as some non profit organizations. This twice a year event offered an excellent cultural exchange, with flags of participating nations draped on the walls, people dressed in traditional attire and artwork on display for all to enjoy. Chefs from various embassies were on hand to prepare a wide range of traditional dishes such as hummus and an Egyptian rice and vegetables dish known as koshari. Many hand made items such as pottery, jewelry and clothing were on sale and proceeds were distributed among the various countries and used for for the welfare of women and children. The "Nihon Chukinto Africa Fujinkai" organization originated in 1981 by Ayako Shigemitsu and that is also when the first bazaar was held. Shigemitsu's husband was an ambassador to Nigeria and that is how she became interested in the African culture. Proceeds from the first event were used to support Palestinian refugees and people suffering from hunger across Africa. Since its inception the organization has donated over ¥100 million to the countries in that region. Current President of the association Toshiko Sawai stated that over time the event has become quite large and offers a wonderful opportunity for African and Japanese diplomats to promote exchange between Japan and countries in Africa. The event has also been attended by VIPs such as law makers and members of the Imperial family.Original StoryRoyal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Tokyo

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