16 Questions on Japan


Yanasu, a guy with "just another blog about Japan" has posted 16 questions about Japan. How would you answer them? Check the Yonasu Blog to see how others have answered. Here are the questions:

Yonasu: "I know I’ve mentioned this before on Twitter, but I don’t think I’ve talked about it here yet. Anyways, I’m planning to go to Japan for 1-2 months (or as long as my budget lets me) this summer. So I have to start making preparations. But today I’m not going to talk about what I have and what I haven’t prepared, instead I’m going to ask a few questions."Living on a budget

  1. If you had a budget of 520 000 yen, for how long would you stay in Japan? Keep in mind that I’m partially doing this because I want to work on my Japanese before the next semester starts, so time is valuable. But I also want to do fun stuff!
  2. Let’s say I’m staying for 2 months, would you recommend staying at a guest house, hostel, hotel or somewhere else? I do need my own room and it has to include an internet connection, but I’m willing to share everything else.
  3. I’ve already gotten a few answers to this question, but I’ll ask it again. 3 meals plus some snacks or a sandwich in the evening is usually what I eat on a normal weekday. If I were to buy these meals in a convenience store to save some money, how much would I have to spend to make my tummy pleased?
  4. While I do enjoy walking, taking the train is a must every now and then, let’s say 3-4 times a week (or actually 6-8 since I want to get home too), how much (approximately) would that cost me and is there a way to save some money doing it?
  5. What does a concert ticket for a popular artist usually cost?
  6. About how much does it cost to send a 5kg box half way around the world (to Sweden)? I have a feeling that I won’t be able to take everything I buy with me on the plane back home.


  1. I’m on a date, where do we dine?
  2. I want to do something I’ve never done before, where do I go?
  3. I love coffee and good lounge music, where is the place with big sofas and pillows where you can chill out like never before? No shoes inside makes the place even more cozy.
  4. I want to bump into famous people and ask them if they know what time it is, where do I have the best chance to do so?
  5. I want to be on Japanese TV, where do you often see them recording?
  6. Beautiful scenery of all kinds, where’s that special something I need to see?
  7. I have to visit a nice onsen, do you have any recommendations?

 General questions

  1. The legal age of drinking in Japan is 20, but are there pubs and clubs that you have to be even older to enter? And how strict are they anyways when it comes to checking people’s age?
  2. I want to make a weird video, where do I buy or rent a monkey costume?
  3. Anything else I have to keep in mind while I’m there?

And that’s all I could think of for now. Since I will be going alone I really want to meet up with people while I’m there, I’m hoping that there’ll be some blogging/CGM events while I’m there. I’ll probably be very lost the first few days, so hopefully there’ll be someone who can help me get by and show me around!I was going to add another question about renting a phone but I can probably live with text messages only. Calling and using 3G for data with my iPhone is strictly out of the question though, they want over 1650 yen per 50kB (insane!!)I hope you have some answers, thank you! Click here for the Yonasu Blog.

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