Kim Jong-il's 3rd son and missile to be launched


The Sankei and Nikkei report: Kim Jong Il, the supreme commander and General Secretary of North Korea, turned 67 on Feb. 16. In its Feb. 16 editorial, the Nodong Sinmun, the Korean Workers Party organ paper, again suggested the succession of power to the third generation [Jong-un he had with third and late wife Ko Yong-hui] after Kim Jong Il by playing up the "succession of the blood of Mt. Paektu" and "revolutionary achievements over generations." Pyongyang also denied the speculation that North Korea is preparing to fire a long-range missile and suggested instead the launch of a satellite, with the Korean Central News Agency reporting, "What is launched will be known sooner or later. Developing space is our independent right."

This is the first time for North Korea to warn of a missile launch in advance. North Korea's launching a missile at this point is highly likely to be in an attempt to bring the United States to a 'direct dialogue' with North Korea.

In 1998, North Korea launched a long-range Taepodong missile for the first time. But the country, in order dodge international criticism, explained that it had launched a satellite.

U.S. and South Korean government authorities had caught North Korea's move preparing to launch a Taepodong-2 long-range ballistic missile that ranges 4,300-6,000 kilometers. However, KCNA implied its attempt to launch an artificial satellite, claiming that "space development is our own right." Yet, the projectile for an artificial satellite is the same as that for a ballistic missile. North Korea is believed to be launching a Taepodong-2 missile in the disguise of an artificial satellite.


But given the North's rebuttal signifying its indirect admission this time around of its preparations for a launch, the prevailing view in Seoul is that there is a strong possibility that the North will launch it in the not distant future.

As usual, a variety of events celebrating Kim Jong Il's birthday were held at various parts of the country, including the central celebration ceremony in Pyongyang. But Kim Jong Il was absent from the central celebration ceremony which brought together military and party leaders, such as Supreme People's Assembly Presidium President Kim Yong Nam, Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Yong Chun and new chief of staff Lee Yong Ho.


Note: Jong-un, now 25, was born to Kim’s third wife, Ko Yong-hi, who died of breast cancer at the age of 51 in 2004. The youngest of Kim’s three sons, Jong-un was educated at the International School of Berne and is known to be a fan of NBA basketball. After his return to Pyongyang in his late teens, the North has kept him under a shroud of secrecy and very little is known about his character.Jong-un refrained from socializing in Berne, spending most of his time outside of school at home, according to the wishes of his father, who did not want him to be influenced by the West. When he ate out, he was accompanied by Ri Chol, the North Korean ambassador to Switzerland, who is known to be the manager of Kim Jong-il’s secret funds, sources said.The youngest son is said to be 175 centimeters tall and weigh about 90kg due to a lack of exercise. He reportedly already has high blood pressure and diabetes. Unlike his brothers, no images of him have been captured by foreign media.


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