U.S. Marines not leaving Okinawa as planned


AKAHATA reports that "Admiral Timothy Keating, commander of the Pacific Command, indicated in an interview with Reuters on Feb. 5 that the transfer of U.S. Marines in Okinawa to Guam, initially planned to be completed by 2014, will likely fall behind schedule and that more funds would be needed for the plan.

Keating said: "The schedule for attaining the goal of transferring 8,000 (U.S. Marines) to Guam has fallen behind schedule. In addition, there are not enough funds to immediately carry it out." He repeatedly said: "The relocation plan will not be carried out as planned, and it will also cost more."Keating emphasized that there has not been any change so far to the relocation plan under the Obama administration. He stated: "I think that handling this plan in a more cautious manner over the long run will be more beneficial. ... We will neither abandon Japan nor make a quick decision to do so. We guarantee this to our friends and allies in the region."

Keating did not disclose which side, Japan or the U.S., will shoulder this increased cost.

In November 2008, Keating said that the Guam transfer process would not be completed in 2014. Later, though, the Department of Defense, denying this prediction by Keating emphasized that the process will finish by that year.

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