DPRK missile site to be completed in spring


There are signs indicating North Korea is preparing to launch a Taepodong-2 long-range ballistic missile, and the countries concerned are becoming growingly alarmed. Charles Vick, a senior fellow at Global Security, an influential U.S. research institute in the military area, is a missile expert and an analyst of satellite imagery. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun interviewed him on the current state of North Korea's missile development program.The following is a gist of the interview:

1. North Korea has been modernizing its missile sites. The missile site at Musudanri, which was used to test a Taepodong-2 missile in 2006, is now capable of launching satellites. The new missile site at Tongchangri is for launching both intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and satellites. This site can test missile launches without flying across over Japan or any other neighboring countries (or without threatening these countries directly).

2. To analyze commercial satellite images, the new missile site is still under construction and is expected to be completed in the latter half of March or in April. After that missile site is completed, North Korea may carry out a ballistic missile launch test or a satellite-related test there, I think. A recent image shows that they have moved a rocket launch pad.

The Taepodong-2's overall modernization is under way and it can be called "Taepodong-3." Its range seems to be ultralong. It depends on how much the warhead can be lightened, but its maximum range is estimated at 14,000-15,000 kilometers, which covers the U.S. mainland's the southeastern part, including Florida. Source: Sachiko Deshimaru, Washington (Nikkei)

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