Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Struggling Not To Lose Him


The birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has passed and for some it is just another federal holiday. While most in the world know of the deeds and sacrifices Dr. King made, few get to hear how others perceive his public story. Check out the video after reading the article below.

Slept On TV writes: "Too often, we are treated to a view of a romanticized and whitewashed Dr. King in order to fit the man and his struggle neatly within the prevailing political and economic power structures in a largely uncritical and non-threatening manner. This portrayal of Dr. King has been mass marketed as an accommodationist figure and is now so pervasive in our schools, media, etc. that it threatens to neutralize and placate the most ambitious, daring and challenging of King's critique along with his struggle to confront and organize against not only racism, but economic exploitation and militarism-imperialism as well.Due to such, SleptOn.com offers "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Struggling Not To Lose Him" as a direct challenge (as he would have it) to the views and practices of those who celebrate a thoroughly pacified legacy of a man who likely would not even be invited to his own birthday celebrations had he been alive today. Given what he stood, fought and died for during his last years, it's reasonable to assume that he wouldnt eagerly embrace opportunities to share a stage with the very folks he would have vigorously opposed.King said the following:"With Selma and the voting rights bill one era of our struggle came to a close and a new era came into being. Now our struggle is for genuine equality, which means economic equality. For we know that it isnt enough to integrate lunch counters. What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesnt earn enough money to buy a hamburger and cup of coffee? "A familiar refrain, as of late, has been Rosa sat, King walked so that he (Obama) could run or some variation thereof. Was that the goal of King's struggle?"[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvnpyS430dg&[/youtube]Source      Music: Onyx - Last Dayz,    Thanks to Steve Silver for posting the video.

Click here to read Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech in English or Japanese.Click here to see Obama's plan to strengthen Civil Rights in America.

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