DPJ looking for CHANGE, Obama-style

DPJ holds Obama-style study sessions in order for party to "change," too

Source - Yomiuri Shimbun (07 Dec 08):  The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the largest opposition party, is now trying to introduce election methods and policy measures that are similar to those used by U.S. President-elect Barack Obama too during his election campaign. Following the example of Obama, who won a landslide victory in the presidential race with "change" as the slogan, the DPJ appears to be aiming at similarly taking the reins of government.Obama reportedly succeeded in expanding grassroots' networks, as well as collecting funds by taking advantage of cell phones and other methods. He has a reputation for his oratory skills.

In order to learn such points, the DPJ has held so far two study sessions, mainly by the national movement panel (headed by Sakihito Ozawa). The panel invited the party's Upper House member Kuniko Tanioka, whose secretary worked as a volunteer for Obama during the campaign and who also studied Obama's election campaign, and Kazuhide Nishikawa, a part-time lecturer and the author of the book titled Obama's Narrative Technique and Maneuvering to Win, as speakers.

In the study sessions, one speaker reportedly said: "It is believed that pointing one's finger toward another person is a bad behavior, but Mr. Obama does it often. That behavior has an effect to impress the other side." One participant said: "I want to learn quickly Mr. Obama's verbal skills that accentuate his differences with rivals. I also want to carry out campaigning without depending on the party, such as by using more volunteers."

In the wake of Obama's "green new deal" concept of creating jobs by using natural energy sources, the DPJ intends to come up a Japanese version of a "green new deal" notion to create new jobs for 2.5 million people. The party is now looking into coming up with a plan before the next Lower House election and submitting a bill to the Diet after the election. 

BTW: A symposium to discuss the direction of the U.S. administration expected under President-elect Obama titled, "Continuity and Change in America, (sponsored by the America Studies Program at Keio University and supported by the Yomiuri Shimbun) was held in at Keio University in Tokyo's Minato Ward on December 5.  Japan expert Richard Armitage, a former deputy secretary at the U.S. State Department, gave the keynote speech. In it, he pointed out that the foreign policy of the administration of President-elect Obama "will place emphasis on multilateralism and use of the United Nations."

I wonder if the political parties in Japan will get their act together long enough to actually promote CHANGE in Japan. I am not the biggest fan of the UN due to the sheer size and bureaucracy of the institution BUT it can serve a great purpose. Maybe Japanese politicians will take a hint and understand that it is time to lead, (continue to) follow, or get the hell out of the way.

Other ramblings: Ozawa had this to say: "I think the presence of U.S. military in the Far East is necessary. But I don't think a large-scale military is needed in Okinawa. We must make efforts to resolve this issue through talks between the two countries."

Okay, here's my suggestion: Put more troops up on Mainland Japan instead of Guam in order to save response/react time to flare-ups in Asia, mainly the DPRK and SW Asia. That will boost morale for those on The Rock, help stimulate the local economy and remove some of the burden from the citizens of Okinawa. Of course this would not be sufficient and would cause all sorts of drama but until the Japanese Self Defense Force is allowed a little more bite to go along with their fangs, the DPJ can call for CHANGE all it wants. But in the end when the smoke clears, most likely...ain't nothin' gonna change!



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