US Marines banned from public areas in Okinawa

The U.S. Marines in Japan have ordered U.S. service personnel in Okinawa Prefecture to stay away from residential areas, schools, cemeteries and other public locations in an apparent effort to ease local anger over a slew of incidents involving U.S. military personnel.The order also prohibits the U.S. personnel from conducting activities such as cliff diving, bungee jumping and hang gliding.‘‘Service members found in an off-limits area or participating in a prohibited activity will be in violation of’’ the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Marines said in a message posted on its website.According to the order, residential areas are off limits to U.S. service personnel unless they are residents there or they are invited by local residents. The personnel can travel through these areas but they must remain on the provided roadways and sidewalks.Playgrounds, the baseball field, the fishing boat pier and other locations around the U.S. Marine Corps’ Camp Schwab at Cape Henoko in the city of Nago are also off limits to the U.S. personnel.Moreover, burial sites and tombs are off limits as they are ‘‘sacred to the Okinawa people.’’ The U.S. personnel are banned from all schools in Okinawa unless they are students or parents of students attending that school or employees of the school, the Marines said.

Zurui: "Since I really want to rant, I will keep it simple: THIS IS STRAIGHT UP B.S.!"

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