What's the Difference?

Many BT'er know that I love comedy and have a pretty thick skin but I just received an email/rant asking me why I took umbrage to the Tunnels and DJ Ozuma's Yajima Beauty Salon CM campaign and follow-up PR stunt. You can read my previous posts on the subject but the bottom line is that I am tired of having certain performers or corporations in Japan continue with their BS ways of trying to dis' on the DL. Maybe they think that no one will complain about it.Japan Sugoi reports on Japanese singer Yasushi Nakanishi that started his career as a Stevie Wonder impersonator. Here is a guy that respects the music and image of another person:

Yasushi Nakanishi is a very popular 47 year old Japanese singer from Nara prefecture with 18 singles from 1992-1999 and 12 albums from 1992-2007.  The height of his popularity was in the late 1990s and many Japanese people will be familiar with his songs (ask them to sing karaoke for you).  Yasushi  attempted a comeback since 2005 releasing 3 albums Proceed,  Standards and Standards2.Before he became a professional singer, Yasushi had been an amateur singer at university performing many songs by Stevie Wonder and Billy Joel. In 1986, Yasushi had even been hired by Japanese record labels to be a Japanese Stevie Wonder impersonator and appear on Japanese TV shows. [display_podcast]

 See, nothing wrong with that picture. Pure POSITIVITY!

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


Teaching English in Japan - Sexual Chocolate


Nihongo Phonopoeia