Teaching English in Japan with Ato - Some Feedback

Do they care about English?

Blokhar writes: Well I must say it is very interesting and a sigh of relief to hear stories that I myself experience.I also work in a JHS. I have been doing this for 4 years. Its sucks but it gets the bills paid and enough to have fun with my family.Seriously, this country does not give a damn about English but they put up the biggest front. Make it an elective and see the results sky rocket.I don't have so much time to write now, but i just wanted to say I appreciate everyones post and wanted to reply.

It must be the Ko-girl spawns!

Kamen Hanya writes: I wanna chime in to say to "Ato", these were some interesting posts. Anyone (especially myself included) who has taught in the Japanese PS can relate to your scenarios. I'm happy to say that here in the "Tohoku" area --so far-- the people are a little nicer; the kids are a lot more obedient I'd say as well.I can especially relate to the people wanting to touch the hair. You did right to remove a person's hand away from you. If someone touches my hair, I immediately touch theirs right back! Then I ask them, "How did that make you feel?" (or something of that nature).Also, that "dreadQT" might have a point about most of these little snots being "coin locker babies". ("Ko-girl" spawns  !!!)

Discipline, huh?!

Ato writes: What I really can't get used to is the amount of free reign the kids get and how much the teachers fuss over them.I'm not supposed to teach alone, but many times I'm alone with a class trying my best to make myself understood because the Japanese teacher has spent half the period out in the hallway talking to ONE student who really just needs to have his parents called of be banned from his clubs, etc.Students saying 'NO' when asked to answer a question or talking with their backs to the teacher whenever they feel like it is not something that goes down well with me.

The Ass Grab!

DreadQT writes:  LMAO! "coin locker babies." PLEEZE tell me where you came up w/that one!!
Ato, as far as your ass-grab situation, my heart goes out to you. Pretty much anything you might do will likely be seen as an attempt to besmirch the little lady's pure innocence. Your situation reminds me of a word I just learned--I don't have JP IME on my phone so please bear with me: "oo-eh!"
Say it fast and you'll figure out what it means!
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Teaching English with Ato - The Ass Grab