What's the first word Japanese babies learn to speak?

Japanese Baby - Funny bloopers R us
 SAPPORO -- NTT's Communication Science Laboratories have compiled a list of the top 50 most common first words in Japanese spoken by babies and announced them at a meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association in Sapporo that started on Friday.Researchers drew their findings from Baby's Growth Diary, a user-generated community site where new parents can write a journal of their experiences. Data was taken from 398 infants aged 10 months to 3 years, between April 2007 and February this year.Their results showed that "manma" (gohan [food]) was the first word to be spoken, usually around the age of 15 and a half months, with words like banana [ba-na-na] (19th), tea [ocha] (25th) and milk [mi-ru-ku] (38th) coming in later on.At number 4 was "mama", with "papa" coming in 8th, "jiiji" (grandfather) 24th, and "baaba" (grandmother) 37th.Among the top 50 words, there were five times more nouns than verbs. In English-speaking countries, this ratio is closer to 12:1."English-speaking parents teach their children the names of things; in Asia, they tend to stress emotions and feelings," explained researcher Tetsuo Kobayashi.SourceBTW, what do you think of the video? Are images more powerful than words?

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