ABDUCTION The Megumi Yokota Story up for PBS Audience Award

I previously blogged about the abduction issue between the DPRK and Japan. Many of you viewed an introduction to Patty Kim's documentary ABDUCTION, The Megumi Yokota Story. On 07 July 08, Patty was featured on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. It was the first time a network news broadcast had told the story of Megumi Yokota. Patty's documentary "ABDUCTION The Megumi Yokota Story" has been nominated for a PBS Audience Award following its very successful US Television premiere recently.The film makers, Patty Kim and Chris Sheridan, would like me to relay their thanks to all that showed their support. I ask that you take a moment to review the short clip and take a moment to vote for the film. All votes must be cast by this Friday evening in order for them to count.  

  • Please cast your vote here.
You can view the CNN report and CBS interview below:

Click the links below for related stories posted on Black Tokyo:

  1. Megumi Yokota and the DPRK-Japan Kidnapping Issue
  2. Japan to Sign Parental Abduction Treaty
  3. Abduction - The Megumi Yokota Story on PBS
Here is a short anime produced by the Japanese Government to familiarize you with the Japan-DPRK abduction issue. The Asiance Magazine interview is here.
The ABDUCTION DVD is available for purchase at: www.abductionfilm.com
Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


Abandoned Families in Japan


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