Why are you learning Japanese?

I am often asked, "Why did you choose to learn Japanese? " My usual reply is: "Well, I failed Spanish, TWICE (well officially once since I received a "D" from the instructor in order to have the language requirement for graduation), my teacher called me "D-U-M-B," and thus I had something to prove to her and myself, and because my girlfriend did not speak English. Just joking! No, seriously! Anyway.........As many of the BT'ers know, I speak Japanese and Korean thanks to good ol' Uncle Sam footing the bill for my language training in the USA, Japan, and Korea. What did I give in return? 12-years of honorable military service to the USA. Now some of you may understand why I am passionate about giving the rest of the story when it comes to such topics as US-Japan international relations, the Okinawa-mondai, and life in Japan as a civilian and military servicemember from an "Afro" perspective.Well, I came across this young man's (skillyas)video on why he is studying Japanese and I wish to share his response. When I started studying the language and culture of Japan, I did not find too many like me. I am glad to see that times have changed!Please feel free to comment on why you are studying Japanese.Ja ne!


Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


US Naval Forces Japan Manga: CVN-73


Boeken's Japanese Videos