New Earthquake Survival Manual w/o the Racist Images

This is a follow-up to a podcast that I submitted in October 2006 on Blackface in Japan, spearchucker condoms that give you that ol' negro feeling, Tokyo Metro Government’s racist images used in an official government document , and an interview with event-throwing brothas 6-Figures.Click on this link, Japan Report 1, to view the podcast.Here is the new version of the Earthquake Survival Manual. After the big scare earlier this month, the manual provides very useful information for those living or planning to live in Japan or any other earthquake prone area.BTW, the metro government took a step in the right direction in making the publication for NJ's but there is still much work to be done in the fight for what's right in the Land of the Rising Sun! Bonzai and Power to the People!

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.

Racism in Japan?


Jero Makes the Washington Post