T.K.O. for B.O., Jero Hero in Kirin Fire Cafe Zero

Konnichi wa BT'ers! The post below was submitted by Ato in the " Jero Enka Singer" thread on the Black Tokyo Forum. I like MANY other people of the Afro persuasion understands where he is coming from. Feel free to post your comments here or in the BT Forum.
------------------------- Ato's post ------------------------  
Thank God! Anyone that is black and lives in Japan must be breathing a sigh of relief now that Jero (sans hip-hop regalia) is advertising something on TV in an adult, serious manner. I felt a certain sense of pride. He is now the new face of Kirin Beverage’s canned coffee product Kirin Fire Cafe Zero. The ad began rotation on May 21.
For too long Bobby Ologun (and Bob Sapp) have been the face of blacks here in Japan and unfortunately a large percentage of Japanese out there couldn't be bothered to learn anything about a race or culture besides what is fed to them on TV. Fueling this is the ease with which one can become a TV personality and household name here in Japan; just find a gimmick and you'll be on the tube schmoozing and tasting oishii delicacies with celebreties in no time.
Unfortunately for blacks in Japan, Ologun's "gimmick" has been one of feigned stupidity and the stereotypes have only been reinforced as a result. Enter Jero, a young, reasonably attractive man of black heritage, breathing a new life into a Japanese art form from yesteryear that even Japanese young people lack interest in. In sharp contrast to Ologun's purposely mispronounced Japanese, Jero croons enka perfectly enough to make even the most battle-hardened baabaa swoon.
Jero's earlier "hip-hop" image will probably now be relegated to a foot-in-the-door strategy (hopefully) as the Japanese marketing machine sinks their claws into him. No doubt countless contracts have been signed to control and mold his image and likeness. I for one like the new look (at least in the ad): sleek, adult, silver and most importantly of all - serious.  Does this mark the beginning of the end of negative stereotyping and poor opinions of blacks in Japan? I for one certainly hope so...Here's his blog:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jeroenka/e/227bdcb90303f199c3f6c6e35b5611cf


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