The Panetta Institute Lecture Webcast

Many of my readers are studying or have studied Japanese, Korean, Chinese, TESL, Linguistics, Diplomacy, International Relations, National Security Affairs, International Business, or something in between. To help broaden your horizon, check out The Panetta Institute's Lecture Webcast. 
"The Panetta Institute strives to make events of public importance widely accessible via webcast, live television and radio. Institute programs, such as the annual Leon Panetta Lecture Series and special issue forums, are regularly webcast live.  
 The lectures in the Leon Panetta Lecture Series begin at 7:00 p.m. Please check this webpage for the webcast address that will appear below. To view the live webcast of a lecture program, just click on the link. Each webcast is a live event and will not rebroadcast.
Webcast URLs: 
Windows Media: 
Current Schedule:
Monday, May 5, 2008  
 "The Role of the Military and Intelligence in National Security," with former White House National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, and author, Richard Clarke; former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Armed Forces Southern Command, and national security and terrorism analyst, NBC News, General Barry McCaffrey (USA-Ret.); and former Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace (USMC-Ret.).Monday, June 2, 2008"The Clash of Politics and Leadership," with senior campaign correspondent, MSNBC, Tucker Carlson; political talk show host, columnist and author, Bill Press; and Governor of New Mexico, 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, and former Ambassador to the United Nations, Bill Richardson (invited).Monday, June 23, 2008"Diplomacy, Preemption or Isolation - What Role for America?" featuring former White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card and former National Security Advisor, and Counselor and Trustee for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Zbigniew Brzezinski (invited).
Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.

Africa: Is Black back for Japan, China and the USA?


Megumi Yokota and the DPRK-Japan Kidnapping Issue