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Japanese mother on other side of child abduction issue

Well, it seems that Japan may have a different type of pressure to advance their Hague Convention ratification process as quickly as possible and implement legislation as close as possible to widely accepted world standards. In a Japan Times article, Hague won't help Japanese mom reunite with lost baby, it seems that a Japanese mother seeks help using the Hague Convention to have her 1-year-old son returned to Japan. "Currently, Japan is known as a haven for disaffected Japanese spouses who, in getting divorced, abscond with their kids back to Japan. Once in Japan, they can dare their foreign spouses to try getting the kids back—something that despite around 13,000 international divorces a year in Japan and more overseas, has NEVER happened. (Terrie Lloyd)"

[Via The Japan Times]"Kaori is a Japanese national married to a man with dual New Zealand and British citizenship. They have a 1-year-old child, and had been living in London for some time when her husband recently told her he had been offered a job in Tokyo and wanted to move there together. She agreed, quit her full-time job and flew to Japan with her husband and child.A few days after arriving, Kaori's husband arranged for the three of them to meet his friend in Shinjuku. He offered to take their son to the park first while Kaori did her makeup, she writes. They never came back. After she tried to call members of her husband's family, she says she received the following email from her husband: "Please do not contact any family members as they are not involved. You can contact me through this email. I have been to family court today."

Read the rest of the story here.Click here to read previous posts on child abductions and the Hague Convention.[ad]