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Lawson Ups the Ante

[youtube][/youtube](YouTube video by: francoiscavelier)Here is some news you can use:

"Convenience store chain Lawson will soon start an in-store fresh food service across Japan, in an effort to attract a wider range of customers. With the new service, customers will be able to purchase freshly cooked food by store clerks or choose from a variety of daily dishes offered in a buffet style to make their own meals, Lawson Inc. officials said.This is the first time for a major convenience store chain in Japan to equip its stores with full-scale cooking equipment. Lawson plans to introduce the new service to some 200 stores in the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Kansai area by fiscal 2010, and expand it to 1,000 stores by fiscal 2015 and 3,000 stores -- one-third the number of Lawson outlets nationwide -- in the future.Immediately upon receipt of orders, store clerks will cook dishes like grilled meat and rice omelet right in front of customers. Most food can be ready in about three minutes as some ingredients are prepared beforehand. Regular boxed meals are priced from 350 yen, in-store cooked boxed meals from 390 yen, and buffet-style boxed food at 390 yen."

In early April 2010, Lawson reported that by summer it will join forces with big farmers in the Kanto region to form a farming corporation to supply vegetables to its fresh-food convenience store chain.

"We'll sell pesticide-reduced and organic vegetables," said President Takeshi Niinami, who unveiled the plan. "We aim to grow quality vegetables." Lawson Inc. (TSE:2651) said Thursday that by summer it will join forces with big farmers in the Kanto region to form a farming corporation to supply vegetables to its fresh-food convenience store chain."We'll sell pesticide-reduced and organic vegetables," said President Takeshi Niinami, who unveiled the plan. "We aim to grow quality vegetables."

It was further reported that, "the farming corporation will grow five or six vegetables, including Chinese cabbage, for the Kanto region, where around 60 per cent of its Lawson Store 100 convenience stores are located. The outlets will promote local production for local consumption.[youtube][/youtube](YouTube video by: IamMrMister007)Lawson will gradually expand its agricultural operations depending on the progress of the farming corporation, its first.The Lawson Store 100 franchise chain is operated by Lawson subsidiary Ninety-nine Plus Inc. (TSE:3338). Because all products sell for 100 yen (US$1.06), price adjustments to deal with changes in vegetable production are difficult. Lawson has been struggling to secure stable supplies."I applaud Lawson for making life a little more convenient for those on-the-go! Read the rest of the story here and find out more about Lawson here. Combini's in Japan take on a whole new meaning! I wish the original Lawson in Ohio would have thought of this.