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Haitian in Japan

If you or anyone you know is a member of the Haitian community in Japan please send Mr. Manning (a freelance writer) and Mr. Stubbings (Japan Times Community Editor) an email message.The Japan Times is interested in hearing your story and providing the space to create more awareness about what is currently unfolding in Haiti and the measures that can be implemented to provide the necessary assistance. Please send your email to: irie.otoko@gmail.comClick here for information on how to contribute.[ad]Note: There are 23 Haitians living in Japan (2007) and 21 Japanese living in Haiti (2010). One of note is a surgeon at a national general hospital in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, 31-year-old Mukkuaka Oda, born in Haiti to his Haitian father and his Japanese mother from Tondabayashi, Osaka Prefecture. Dr. Oda, a Japanese national, has lived in Haiti since birth.Click here for additional information on Japan - Haiti relations.To see how much the international community donated click here. To see the oil rich nation that has not contributed to the relief effort, click here.Those on Twitter, please retweet (and #Haiti) and Facebook / Friendfeed, please repost. Thank you in advance![ad]