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Battle to end Statute of Limitations in Japan

20091030p2a00m0na023000p_size5Misako Shiraishi sister of murder victim Chizuko Shiraishi has joined forces with the "Sora no Kai" organization to campaign to abolish the statute of limitations in Japan. Chizuko Shiraishi was the accountant and alleged lover of Kazuyoshi Miura the notorious businessman who conspired to have his wife Kazumi murdered for insurance money and was later acquitted by the Japanese high court. Miura is also the sole suspect in Shiraishi's murder. Chizuko Shiraishi's body was found in a vacant field in the Lake View Terrace area of Los Angeles in 1979 however she was not positively identified until 1984 when investigators in Los Angeles received her dental records from Japan. As LAPD detective were mounting a case against Miura in the death of Shiraishi, he committed suicide while in custody of officials in Los Angeles.The Sora no Kai organization is attempting to gather signatures and submit a petition to Japan's Ministry of Justice in order to abolish the statute of limitations for crimes such as murder. In addition to Misako Shiraishi, noted members are Kenji Kobayashi (daughter was murdered in 1996), Yoshiyuki Miyazawa (son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren murdered New Year's Eve 2000) and William Hawker (father Lindsay Hawker a British citizen and Nova English instructor who was murdered in 2007). There is no statute of limitations for murder in the United States and it is currently 25 years in Japan (increased from from 15 years back in 2005). Photo courtesy of Mainichi Daily NewsRead more.Mainichi Daily NewsJapan TimesLAPD Weblog[ad#468x60-ad]