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Keeping you safe in the US & Japan

Ferry anti-terorism devices[Submitted by Hajimaru]There is potentially a new security device that may not only make it safer to travel, but expedite the process at the same time. The Japan Times Online has run a story that Tokyo Narita airport may soon start a pilot program with a scanner developed at Tohoku University that is believed capable of detecting plastic explosives, hazardous materials and other weapons concealed under clothing or in baggage. The new device is not something this writer is familiar with but from my research it is based on active millimeter technology which is basically a form of body imaging technology that detects energy from the human body. The device is at a lower resolution than that of an x-ray machine and as a result health and privacy concerns are not a factor. Massachusetts based company L3 Communications advertises a similar device utilizing active millimeter technology called "The ProVision." According to the L3 Communications web site this device performs a full body scan for concealed threats or contraband while emitting less power than a cell phone. Capable of scanning an individual in 2 seconds, L3 Communications states that "The Provision"  is capable of scanning between 300-600 people per hour depending on it's intended usage.In light of the recent attack on Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, in which an individual concealed plastic explosives somewhere on his person, possibly within his body cavity, a device capable of detecting threats of this nature would be in great demand. Also in the US the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has begun testing a device that utilizes active millimeter wave technology that can be mounted on a tripod and can be utilized as people pass through turnstiles at a normal pace without stopping.According to The Japan Times Online researchers at Tohoku University state that the new model is capable of detecting concealed objects 2 cm in size while displaying an image that blurs the outline of the human figure in order to meet privacy concerns. The threat of terrorism is real be they home grown or from abroad. As average citizens that travel we are reliant upon security staff and researchers to device ways to protect us from those that intend to do harm. We must also be vigilant, observant and not be afraid to speak up and report suspicious activity.Please share your thoughts on this topic, as we would love to discuss them with you.Read Full Story Communications Millimeter Wave[ad#468x60-ad]