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Manga and Anime

manga podcast

Are you a manga or anime lover? Maybe your curious to know why manga and anime are popular. Well, here is an interesting podcast by "An External Thought in the Mind of Godzilla" a.k.a. Patrick Macias that gives some insight into the world of manga and anime otaku.

[An External Thought in the Mind of Godzilla] "Attention all Laser Disc and Old Magazine Otaku! Here is the complete audio of my lecture last week as delivered at California State University at Monterey Bay. While some of this territory was covered before in my speech earlier this year at Temple University Japan Campus, there’s a lot of new stuff here (including sections on American fandom and Hating the Otaku Wave) in this one hour-long recording."Click on the "P" located on the right side of the podcast player to listen.
