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Black Professionals Tokyo Entrepreneur Night

HSThis in from Mr. Seals: "For the next First Friday's on October 2nd Black Professionals Tokyo will hold it's first Entrepreneur Night.This will be an evening where members of our community who have either started their own business or are involved in new and exciting ventures, share their experiences, ideas, or introduce their businesses to the public.The goal of this evening is to allow the public to learn more about new interesting products in the market, new opportunities for partnerships (if you are a business owner yourself), or better yet opportunities to invest on the ground floor of new and innovative industries.From a cultural standpoint, it is a chance for Japanese in particular to meet our community of business owners, and learn the backgrounds and motivations of people who have traveled all the way around the world to achieve a dream of financial independence, corporate success, and personal freedom.Even if you are not a small business owner, or interested in working with a new business, the evening (and people there) will definitely have something to offer you.I am looking for 5 companies to present for the evening. If you would be interested please let me know by Friday, September 11th. Each company will have time to provide a 5 minute presentation, followed by a 5 minute Q&A session.There will be 5 types of people invited to attend. First are the members of our group; second will be potential customers of the companies presenting; third potential partners for the companies presenting; fourth, potential investors; and fifth those who want to learn about business or the cultural backgrounds of our presenters and member.After the presentations, the cocktail time begins where the attendees can mix and mingle with the presenters."MORE DETAILS TO COME[ad#468x60-ad]