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nibun no ni

  • Host: Hafu Japanese
  • Type: Education - Lecture
  • Network: Global
  • Price: 2000/3000
  • Date: Saturday, September 19, 2009
  • Time: 6:00pm - 11:55pm
  • Location: Last Chicas ラスチカスB1F (最寄の駅:Omotesando 表参道)
  • Email: info[at]hafujapanese[dot]org

This is our first talk event in Japan in Japanese! English speakers are welcome to join us and enjoy the networking party from 8pm too.EVENT "Nibun-no-ni"~The two worlds that reside in me~Public talk, "In Conversation" and a Networking PartyVenue: Las Chicas in Aoyama ( station: Omotesando Exit B2 (5 mins walk)Date: 19th of September 2009, SaturdayTime: Talk event 6pm ~, Networking Party 8pm~6pm- Talk and In Conversation>>>Marcia Yumi Lise (Co-founder of the Hafu Project)Marcia is the co-founder and researcher of the "Hafu Japanese" Project ( Her talk deals with the ways in which Hafus see the world, and explore their position in society using data and some theoretical framework. Inviting two guest speakers including Kota and Henry we will discuss topics related to nation, nationality, race, culture and gender.>>>Kota (Special guest speaker and music performance)Kota is a musician, writer and a sports commentator. Being a transgender, "kuota" (quarter Japanese) and brought up outside of Japan, Kota has been making enquiries into her identity and gives public talks extensively. Check out her blog and professional profile.>>>Henry McDonald (Guest speaker)Henry was born between a Japanese mother and a British father. Having graduated an international school in Japan, he decided to study at Birmingham University in the UK. Currently a graduate student at Hitotsubashi University.8pm- Networking partyA special music performance by Kota and DJ performance by DJ No'n.Public talk & Party3000 yen (3500 yen at door)Party only2000 yen (2500 yen at door)For more information and to book yourself a place please visit:[ad#468x60-ad]日本初の「ハーフ・ジャパニーズ」主催イベント!イベント:「2ぶんの2」~私の中のふたつの世界~講演/対談&AFTER PARTY9月19日(土)18時から東京サロン(青山ラスチカスB1F)東京都渋谷区神宮前5-47-6表参道駅B2出口から徒歩5分●講演 18:00~20:00リゼ・マーシャ・弓美(ハーフジャパニーズ・プロジェクト)昨今のめざましいグローバル化に伴い、人が国境をまたいで生きる現代の社会。そんな中で産まれた「ハーフ」たちがどのような世界観を抱いているか、また社会における彼らの位置づけ等を深く掘り下げていきます。●対談 18:00~20:00スペシャルゲストのコータさんやハーフのヘンリーさんをお迎えして、「ハーフ」のカテゴリーだけに限らず、文化、国、言語、性など、様々な観点からアイデンティティーについて、熱いトークを繰り広げます。●アフターパーティー 20:00~コータさんのスペシャルライブ・パフォーマンスと、DJ No'nのプレイを聴きながらの交流会■入場料講演&PARTY:3000円PARTYのみ:2000円*入場料は1ドリンクを含む**当日は500円増詳細&予約はこちらへどうぞ[ad#468x60-ad]