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What Japan Thinks: Japanese women dream of the USA


Ken Y-N over at "What Japan Thinks" posted a very interesting survey. I only wish that the survey gave a breakdown on the type (ethnicity/race) of those preferred in the US, UK and other countries with a melting pot, salad bowl or whatever term is the flavor of the P.C. month. To flip the script, magazines in Japan report that international marriages among Japanese women are on the rise and one international paper reports that Japanese women are "in demand" among men in the West. I wonder how that works? While statistics and reports on who likes/prefers whom may be fine and dandy, the other issue is what happens when the dream turns into a nightmare? At any rate, check out the information below and let us know what you think!

"DIMSDRIVE performed internet-based research involving 5,274 people in September of last year to find out which country’s citizens would people most want to marry. It is not stated whether or not the people interviewed were single or not.

The Asia versus the West split is quite noticeable in the men, but really striking amongst the women. I previously translated statistics regarding international marriages in Japan that shows that the ideals being expressed here do not seem to be realised.


On a slight tangent, I watched the last episode of an NHK English learning program which features an English-speaking Western blonde angel that prods a clueless office worker along the path to success ather job getting a date with her transferred from New York colleague, the ideal tall, muscular, tanned, well-coiffured white executive. The angel’s job was done because the glaikit Misaki finally pulled her man."

Research Question 1:  Other than Japanese, which country’s people do you think would be good to have as a partner (husband or wife)? (Sample size=5,274, free answer). Click here to see the results!By the way, another interesting perspective can be found here via Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow and Atsuko Kameda's book "Japanese women: new feminist perspectives on the past, present, and future."  I wonder if women read the book prior to marriage-hunting or after after one of the ways to meet men/women listed here?[ad#468x60-ad]