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Grad School in Japan


The Instant Ramen website has an outstanding post on how to apply for the MEXT Scholarship for graduate school in Japan. Hao shares some great tips to help you pursue an advanced degree in the Land of the Rising Sun. For you Tweeters, follow HaoDesu and feel free to pass on additional information on scholarships in Japan!

For those who don’t know, outside of Japan, this scholarship is known as the 文部科学省 (Monbukagakushou) MEXT: Scholarship, and is available in many countries for undergraduate students. In my case, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering. Requirements are being under 35 years (check), speaking good English and/or Japanese (check), said undergraduate degree (check), and a few more (not available for some careers, but the normal stuff is okay). Click here for more.