View Original Top 29 Best Cities to Live In

18-tokyo-1238442749 presents the inaugural edition of the's Top 29: Best Cities to Live In. This comprehensive roundup of the year's most inhabitable cities for the everyday man was determined by seven unique guy-centric rating categories. The Top 29 Best Cities follows the footsteps of the AskMen extensive library of travel articles and destination guides which have been a staple on the AskMen site since 1999 and have gamered international media recognition from major news sources across the world.  AskMen logoAsk "An online resource for men with daily features on subjects such as fashion, fitness, dating, money, travel and entertainment. has the widest online audience reach in the "Men's Lifestyle" category against all other websites," according to MediaMetrix.Be sure to click here to see the Top 29: Best Cities to Live In and to find out how Tokyo ranked! Please feel free to comment. We want to know your opinion!