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Ichi: Maiko and Geisha (Geiko) Blog


Here is an interesting blog for those interested in geisha (geiko) and maiko. The blog is written in both Japanese and English and perfect for those studying Japanese.  Neil Duckett reports:

I came across a very interesting read the other day and today while watching the final of the Sumo Basho, and drinking a couple of beers, i went through the archives of the Geisha BloggerApparently Ichimame , who`s blog is titled “Ichi”, has had quite a lot of media attentiion over the years. It has a Japanese and English version what gets upwards of a few hundred thousand visits a day .. she`s currently having a break and hasn`t posted since late December. Update, it seems it was December 2007 since she last posted, wonder what happened to her??If you have any interest at all in Japan and the life of a Maiko and then Geisha i suggest you read this site.

The blog is an interesting read and it`s not difficult to see its written by a person motivated and disciplined enough to undertake the lifestyle she has. goldenBe sure to check out the Annotation page which explains some of the terminology used.***** As a bonus to readers of Black Tokyo, Kimono Girl [oil-blotting paper (aburatorigami) which is used by maiko and geisha] will be offered at the reduced price of $6.00 (U.S.) plus shipping and handling for a set of six (6). This is a 50% discount off the current special of six for $12.00.This type of aburatorigami normally retails for 350 Yen each in Japan so hurry and place your order. Black Tokyo will only offer one case of Kimono Girl at this price. Email "sales[at]" to receive your discount code! Your purchase will be shipped from California. Thanks for reading! *****