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Loco in Yokohama #8: Find a Role Model


Here is the latest from Loco in Yokohama. This latest post touches on many of the topics previously discussed here on Black Tokyo. Be sure to leave Loco some feedback!

For me, there was no preparation for the challenges I would face as a foreigner living in Japan. This country has tried me in so many different ways. It has forced me to come to terms with aspects of my character I hadn’t even known were there as well as confront demons that had been deviling me long before I decided to move here. In some battles I’ve been victorious, and did my Rod Tidwell dance in the end-zone.In others, I lost, and found myself crying on the sidelines, towel over my head. Some battles are still waging.I believe it’s been a blessing I may not truly appreciate fully until much later in life. Living in Japan, with its specific issues that have specifically provoked my specific demons, has been a trial I will never forget. And one I wouldn’t have had a dream of someday prevailing over if I hadn’t gone out and done #8: find a role model.My role model was a long time coming… You can read the rest of the story here.