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Top Japan-related people to follow on Twitter

twitterHere is an interesting article written by Chris over at Nihongo Notes. Be sure to leave Chris some feedback! Enjoy..."Do you wish there were other ways to get information about Japan and learning Japanese other than reading websites? Do you want to make friends interested in Japan and learning Japanese?One such way is to follow people on Twitter. It’s a great way to get an insight into daily life in Japan as well as connect with people who are learning Japanese. You can often find some very helpful tips about learning methods and resources.Twitter? I’ve been using Twitter since about April 08. I first signed up to keep in touch with friends, and added a couple of people I knew from their Japan-related blogs. However I quickly realized that it’s a great way to get an insight into life in Japan and learn Japanese.

From Wikipedia: Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service, that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

The 140 character limit means people tend to be short and sweet with their messages, giving only the facts. It’s also a great way to ask questions and get responses. Sometimes you have to be clever with your answers to fit all the information into one tweet, but it keeps the ‘noise’ level down."Click here to read the rest of the article!

    Note: You can follow Black Tokyo on Twitter @blacktokyo

You can also check out the Nihongo Notes list of Top Japan-related websites to follow on Twitter and Top Japanese language twitterers to help you learn Japanese. Be sure to follow Nihongo Notes on Twitter @chrisgaunt :)