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EVENT: Friday, Oct. 3, 2008. Black Professionals in Tokyo, Cocktail Hour



This in from Sista in Tokyo (SIT):  For well over two years now, a group of black professionals in Tokyo has been getting together to connect, chill, and catchup on the first Friday of every month.  I've posted a  few times about some of the more interesting discussions from our little shindig, but have not yet posted on the actual group.  So today, I figured it was about time I did so.Tomorrow, our cocktail hour will be held at  57 restaurant in Ropppongi(located behind Tokyo Midtown).  Usually, our group includes around 7-12 attendees from various industries here in Tokyo.  It's almost always predominately male, hence my reason for posting this announcement today :).   I am extending a personal invitation to all SIT readers currently living in Tokyo (or visiting) to come out, kick back and enjoy a laugh or two and have a drink!  I have included details below.  Also, if you're interested in keeping up with the goings on and other events happening, you are welcome to join our  Black Professionals in Tokyo Group located an Ning.  You don't have to currently reside in Tokyo to be a member-- and you don't even have to be black, just like being around black people :). I am often asked, "What's the need for such a group?"  Well, I personally like to hang out with and catch up with my other black folk here in Tokyo just like my female friends here in Tokyo, other foreign women here in Tokyo, other Americans here in Tokyo, other HBCU graduates (shoutouts to HU and Spelman!) Anyway, I don't know if there's a need or not-- but I must say, I always leave our Friday Cocktail nights feeling good, after having laughed so much and so hard with my fellow brothras and sistas in Tokyo. (Blame it on the champagne-- or on the great people who attend!)Anyway, you are all welcome and if you can't make it on Friday, hope to see you some time at a future event! EVENT NAME:  Black Professionals in Tokyo, Cocktail Hour LOCATION:  57 Restaurant in Roppongi TIME: 7:30-9:30pm MAP: SiT