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Tokyo's Shibuya District

 This in from Hairfish: Everyone goes nuts over Roppongi, and I admit, its interesting but Shibuya is where it’s at, mainly because it’s where the locals hang out. It’s far more affordable to spend a night in Shibuya and even go to a pub or a club without spending over 5,000 YEN (that’s about 50 USD). For my train fair, food, and karaoke, I only spent 2,000 YEN. There is so much to see and do. Shibuya really is something to see at night. There are arcades everywhere, purikura, places to go shopping, great clubs to dance in or even hang out at, pubs and bars to have a drink and mingle with the locals. Plus, Shibuya is a stop away from Harajuku, two stops away from Shinjuku and you can walk to Yogogi Park as well.Next weekend, I’ll be back in Shibuya, but this weekend, I’ll be heading out to Harajuku and Meiji-jinga for some more exploring. Until then, I have homework to do…Checkout the Shibuya pix here.