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Terrie Lloyd Reports on Oji Homes

Courtesy of Japan, Inc. Magazine, Terrie Lloyd reports the following scoop:" It is common knowledge in the expat community that the three Oji Real Estate condominium complexes in Minami-Aoyama:  Oji Palace, Oji Homes, and Oji Green Hills are extremely popular with out-of-town CEOs and their young families. Oji Homes in particular draws a long waiting list of young families thanks to its 20m outdoor swimming pool and it's convenient location right in the middle of fashionable Omote Sando. There are approximately 20 apartments in that complex, and over the last 25 years, we imagine that more than 200 families have lived there.That's 500+ tenants who rented their luxury apartments in the knowledge that they had a rock-solid landlord and the building was safe -- or so they thought." About two years ago. Oji started refusing to renew leases with tenants at Oji Homes, on the basis that they wanted to do renovations to improve earthquake standards for the building. This sounded credible, and most of the families have subsequently moved out despite being offered inadequate compensation to find a similar replacement apartment (standard practice in Japan for high-class apartments being renovated or torn down is to offer tenants 1-2 years supplementary rent to move to digs of a comparable level).However, two families who've been long-term residents decided to dig their heels in and demand from Oji fair and reasonable compensation to move out. Oji decided to ignore them by starting renovation work around the families, arranging for their utilities to stay connected until a resolution was reached, or until the living conditions became so difficult that the families would eventually move out.By "difficult" we mean that the building is being jacked up, so as to strengthen the building foundations, and the passage ways are soon to be full of dust, wheel barrows, and workers lugging in and out building materials.As work has progressed, the families became suspicious that Oji may have had another reason for doing the construction work and decided to hire a professional architect to come in and assess the work. To their shock, he pointed out a number of areas fitted with asbestos and worse still, PCBs -- perhaps from the same source as those found in the Nagano soil by Seiko Espon.When confronted by the families, Oji initially denied any presence of either substance and continued their work as if everything was OK. However, the two families persisted and in June (last month), in front of lawyers and staff representing the families AND the Minato-ku Ward Office, Oji Real Estate and Takenaka Construction company representatives admitted that the building does in fact have both substances, with the asbestos being present in significant amounts, and that they'd known for some time about the presence of these substances.Now, let's think about this. A luxury apartment full of young kids, top-level international executives, and their guests, and yet Oji had known for possibly up to two-years about the presence of asbestos and PCBs! What does this tell you about the company and its ethics?As far as we know, we're the first to break this story to the public, but the families are obviously hoping that the media will pick up on the situation and give Oji the coverage that the company obviously still needs in order to get the message: "a quick admission of the problem and proper settlement of tenant claims is the only reasonable outcome".In the meantime, if you are living in or have lived in any of the Oji apartment complexes, you may be wondering what the presence of asbestos means. Providing it is inert, probably the buildings have been/are reasonably safe, but the problem with asbestos is that one never knows when it or the binders it is applied with will age and start to flake off. Oji Palace is even older than the Oji Homes facility and there has been no indication at this stage that Oji plans any investigation or remediation of substances possibly present there. We think this is extremely irresponsible.We also think it is very irresponsible that there is a public school right next to the building site, with kidsrunning around in the playground every week day. Perhaps the parents of those children are not aware that even a wisp of the stuff inhaled into your lungs can cause mesothelioma and asbestosis later in life. Oji can and should be taking a lot more precautions and needs to come clean to the public about the work being done. Elsewhere in Japan, when asbestos is removed from schools, the entire school is closed (so it's normally done during the summer holidays), to prevent danger to the kids.The following link gives you some idea of what level of work precautions are necessary to safely remove asbestos from a work site. From what we've heard from the residents, so far the Takenaka workers are taking only the very most basic of precautions, and sophisticated respirators don't appear to be part of them. of course, there is the matter of the two families and their kids left in the building... We find itincredible that Oji Real Estate is able to engage in such dangerous construction work with tenants still present. This represents a level of bloody mindedness on the part of Oji managers that wouldn't be tolerated if those families were Japanese. The proper venue for a showdown of this nature is the courts, and if Oji wants the resisting tenants to move, it should take them to court, reveal the levels of compensation being offered, and wait for the courts to decide before continuing their work.Read the full story here.